Tuesday, February 23, 2010

(to anyone who reads) I realised I haven't updated it for quite a while! Shall tell you guys what's been going on since my emo period. Hmm... let's start with school.

School: It's getting busier day by day. Still not too bad yet, haha, and I'm really not looking forward to 'bad', ya know? Classes are alright. I have Chemistry, Physics, English, Psychology, and further maths (which is actually the easiest one, so don't be fooled by the name, haha!). Um, in each class, I have friends! Which is awesome cos I don't like being alone in class. It's boring. I only like being alone when I feel emo, or have a lot on my mind, or right before I sleep.

Friends: Let's see... I feel better knowing more and more people and am getting to know my current friends better. The first few people I know would be... Christopher and Sundeep from Physics. Then Chris's brother, Andrew. Then Benson. Then Eileen. Then uh, Desmond, Gabriel, Ives, Alison, etc etc. Nice people. (:

Hostel: Sometimes the food is good, and sometimes it's bad. ): And breakfast is standard. Cereal/bread/both + juice, if you want it. Hostel life gets better once you know people here and you have friends. Bonding is really important, I feel. (:

Eh. Internet coverage sucks here though. Like they don't have the unlimited downloads kind of thing like back in Singapore. I miss that a lot. And I miss my family and friends back home loads too. )): Wish I could go for sectionals and orchestra practice somemore. I know right! I can't believe I said that. Haha, and getting to bully Lee another day would be fun too. :D

T.A.D. = till another day

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